Since 07 Dec 2007 (aantal keer bekeken op exto: 104)
On 9th of June 2004, I arrived back in Brazil, my beloved spiritual land, to be with the indigenous peoples, my first love from my childhood; they are the ones that kindle my soul, and I know it has always belonged and lived on the New World. This time I roamed and lived experiences stretched over 9 months in Brazil, 9 months in Bolivia, 10 days Argentina and 14 months in Peru. Hence, I traveled back to Belgium, where I stayed 1 month to catch up with my family.
Over the last twenty years I spent more time out than inside of Belgium; my native land. I have covered vast lands from West to East and North to South. In March 2005 I started my shamanic apprenticeship with the Amautas and the Yatiris (Andean sorcerers in Bolivia), followed by shamanic Ayahuasca rituals with a young SHIPIBO maestro, called Jonas Pinedo. These experiences will only provide me with more input for my hybrid South-American digital and organic artworks. On December 12 in 2006, I went back to SE Asia, where I taught English for about 6 months. However, it didn't stop me from continuing my shamanic practice.
Ever since, I have become a a modern nomad and a contemporary berdache or what native North American Indians would call: a Two-spirit person. My name gets longer too: Alann Were'e Wayra Inti Lobo Rojo De Vuyst. Were'e I got from the Xavantes from Brazil, Wayra Inti from an Peruvian Andes shaman.
On Saturday 19th of October 2007, I returned To Peru, having traveled overland from Buenos Aires through Chile. The latter is the most unspiritual country of Latin America I have ever been to, shrouded in darkness guilty of having eliminated anything indigenous or cultural during Pinochet's regime. It is by many Latinos considered the USA of Latin America, but in the negative sense. The Chilean customs confiscated most of my sacred talismans and other ceremonial tools, made and given to me by indigenous peoples I spent time with in the last 15 years of travel from Asia to South America.
On the 10th of february 2007, at the NAM NGAM hydroelectric dam lake, an horu ride form Vientianein LAOS, my fineal and true nature was revealed to me: I found myself a new name and identity after meditation and many ohter messages form spirits, whcih resulted in recognizing myself as a true berdache, a two-spirit artist, name giver and counceler. with the name 'LOBO ROJO' ( 'RED WOLF ')
Please, do read my on-line book at