Date: 01 Jun 2008 01:52:40 +0100 [06:52:40 PM MDT]
Subject: call for entries - online biennial
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call for entry
1.ONLINE BIENNIAL is a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place
online at once every two years.

All entries go through a two-step selection process. The competition is
judged solely by visuals submitted inline or attachment send to: Numbers of entries: 6 -12 works /image files
submitted on-line. We can review your site for this purpose.

1st step selection
The first screening is free and is conducted by review of website for this
purpose or on Jpeg [.JPG] versions of the submitted works inline or

2nd step selection
Submitters whose entries pass the first screening are requested to submit
inline or attachment the works (JPGs image files 72 dpi up to 600 pix. send
to: along the works details -title, year, medium,
size, price and the fee payment.

Size and Works to be received
In order to complete the inclusion in ONLINE 1st Biennial of Contemporary
Art of you may submit as attachments or on-line 6 ~ 12 works
/JPG s image files 72 dpi up to 600 pix (21x21 cm /8,3x8,3) and the works
details: title, year, technique, size and price All submissions must be
mailed to The works you submit can be sold during the
exhibition (commission 7.9 percent).

Application fee
There is a US$ 80 / EUR 50 entry fee for 6 works. and US$ 15 / EUR 10 for
each additional work.
Payment by Direct Transfer on account, by Money Order, by PayPal, by
Western Union.
NOTE: submitters whose pass the first screening will be requested the
competition fee only.

Grand Prize Award value EUR 4,490.00.
One Artists will be awarded two-pages in ART Made Only Once Artoteque's
hardcover Quality art book series for collectors, galleries, museums,
dealers and art lovers, who seek the latest trends in the art world. Over
200 pages, hardcover, 8?"x8?" /22x22 cm, 600 works. Marketing and
distribution is through large book wholesalers and ecommerce channels, in
US bookstores and internationally including Barnes and Noble, Borders, and
Amazon in USA, Canada, France, Germany, UK, Australia and others. Estimated
book realize 2009.
Award of Distinction Award value EUR 2,250.00.
Two Artists will be awarded one-page in ART Made Only Once Artoteque's
hardcover Quality art book series for collectors, galleries, museums,
dealers and art lovers, who seek the latest trends in the art world. Award
value EUR 2,250.00 each.
Honorable Mention 65 Artists will be selected for Diploma of Excellence
(Honorable Award)

The selection panel for art in ONLINE 1st Biennial of Contemporary Art of Awards nomination is: Andrea Pagnez, art critic, fine artist,
Editor of World of Art magazine, Venice Biennial curator, (Italy);
Christopher Chamber, art critic, fine artist, Editor of World of Art
magazine, New York, (USA); Marta Dimitrescu, fine artist, Director of, Editorial Director of World of Art magazine, London, (UK);
ūe Wall鮬 Director of BGAB, art collector, Stockholm, (Sweden); Petru
Russu, fine artists, Director of Art Addiction, Editor and Publisher of
World of Art global art magazine, London, (UK).

Exhibition period
The event will run two-years: 2008 -2009

Exhibition venue
A major contemporary art exhibition that takes place online at

The Earlier the Better

Participants must affirm that submitted works are the original creation of
the applicant, and that the participant holds all related copyrights and
has not violated intellectual property rights. No commercial activities of
any kind involving participating works may be undertaken during the
duration of the exhibition. In the event of violation of this agreement,
the organizations reserve the right to disqualify participants, reclaim
prize and awards, and publicly announce any or all violations.

Disclaimer: This announcement is for specific recipients only: active fine
artists, art galleries, art museums, critics and curators, newsletters and
art events subscribers informing about global art exposure or an editorial/
cultural event and don't contain commercials. The information contained in
this electronic message is information intended for the use of only the
individual or entity named above and may be PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL. If
the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or
agent responsible for delivering it to the recipient, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this
communication is strictly prohibited. Any comment or financial data in this
message is only for information. Not to be construed as an offer. Opinions
and comments contained in this announcement reflect the personal views of
the author who supplied them. If you received this electronic message in
error please notify us immediately by replying "remove".

Weergaven: 118

Hierop reageren

Berichten in deze discussie

Dat kunnen ze toch niet menen: op afstand kunst beoordelen! weer een peloton zakkenvullers .....
...volgens mij ben je ook nog in overtreding door het hier te publiceren..wat zijn de sancties?
Raar geheimzinnig gedoe...
Dirk zegt:

"Haal maar weg dit onderwerp hnkf management".

Je gaat toch niet zeggen dat hier gemodereerd moet worden op deze site ;)

Titel wat aangepast. Leek ons een aardig discussie onderwerp. We kunnen hier allemaal van die oplichters e-mail plaatsen mochten we er eentje binnen krijgen........want er komen er wel wat binnnen...
Waarom is het Privileged and Confidential, zijn toch geen staatsgeheimen, en waar halen ze het recht vandaan om je iets te verbieden: "distribution, of this communication is trictly prohibited", engerds!
Nee Dirk, ik denk dat ze ons voor kinderen aanzien...
verdomme.....hij leeft nog.....gaat het goed met je, Herman...?
Ze maken vooral gebruik van kunstenaars en kunstenaarsachtigen beroemd te willen worden. Het heeft met gretigheid te maken niet alleen van de oplichter maar ook en vooral van degene die opgelicht wordt.........
Ik neem aan dat je met jullie ons bedoelt...

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