2 September 2011- 1 October 2011
Het podium voor de beeldende kunstenaar hnkf.nl
Shefqet Avdush Emini is a distinguished artist whose works embody the essence of modern expressionism. His artistic journey is marked by an extraordinary fusion of abstract and figurative elements, where colors, textures, and dynamic brushstrokes create a profound visual and emotional impact. With a career spanning decades, Emini has earned international recognition for his powerful and evocative paintings that transcend cultural and geographical boundaries.
Emini’s artistic expression is deeply rooted in abstract expressionism, yet his works often integrate figurative elements, creating a striking balance between form and emotion. His paintings are characterized by bold, spontaneous brushstrokes and the dynamic interplay of colors, where each composition conveys an intense psychological depth. His technique involves the masterful use of palette knives and layered paint applications, resulting in a textured surface that brings movement and vitality to his artwork.
His signature style is distinguished by the fearless application of colors—warm reds and oranges juxtaposed with cool blues and greens, generating a visual tension that evokes strong emotional reactions. He does not merely depict subjects; instead, he immerses the viewer in an atmospheric and often dreamlike world, where emotions and narratives emerge through abstraction.
The themes in Emini’s work revolve around the human condition, spirituality, and existential introspection. Many of his paintings feature enigmatic figures, often partially obscured or dissolving into the background, symbolizing the fleeting nature of existence and the complexity of human emotions. The recurring use of red in his compositions can be interpreted as a representation of passion, struggle, and inner turmoil, while the interplay of light and shadow enhances the dramatic and mysterious essence of his work.
His ability to blend abstraction with realism allows the viewer to engage with his art on multiple levels, discovering new layers of meaning with each observation. Whether depicting human figures, landscapes, or entirely abstract forms, Emini’s paintings invite contemplation and evoke a profound sense of connection with the human soul.
Born with an innate passion for art, Shefqet Avdush Emini has developed a unique visual language that reflects both his personal experiences and the broader influences of modernist movements. His work bears traces of the emotional intensity found in the works of expressionist masters, yet it is distinctly personal and contemporary. Over the years, he has exhibited in prestigious galleries and international art fairs, gaining widespread acclaim for his contributions to contemporary painting.
His artistic evolution has been shaped by a relentless pursuit of creative freedom, refusing to conform to conventional norms. Through his exploration of texture, movement, and emotional depth, he continuously pushes the boundaries of artistic expression. His works are not merely paintings but visual experiences that speak directly to the viewer’s subconscious.
Emini’s contributions to contemporary art extend beyond his paintings. As an artist, he serves as an inspiration to emerging painters, encouraging them to embrace expressive freedom and emotional authenticity. His influence can be seen in the growing appreciation for expressionist techniques in modern art, where raw emotion and spontaneity take precedence over rigid forms.
Through his dynamic and emotionally charged compositions, Shefqet Avdush Emini has carved a lasting legacy in the world of contemporary expressionism. His paintings are not just aesthetic creations; they are profound explorations of human emotions, inner conflicts, and the endless possibilities of artistic imagination.
In a world where art often seeks to capture the tangible, Emini dares to explore the intangible—the unseen forces of emotion, memory, and the subconscious. His work is a testament to the power of artistic expression in conveying the deepest aspects of the human experience.
Shefqet Avdush Emini Dutch Art Master
Alanya International Art Symposium
Artist: Natalia Bazhenova, Moscow, Russia
5.Davidovc Artist Shefqet Avdush Emini…
Review Ina Eskes - Shefqet Avdush Emini
Tani atje mbizotron gjelozia primitive !
Nu dojn askend perveq vetvetes !
Egoizmi kishte kaluar qdo mase !
Per fat te keq , ishte renqetherse !
Endrrat dhe dashuria per vendelindje eshte zhdukur!...
Ishte zhdukur ndjenja humane!
Kishte humbur ndergjegjeja, ska mbetur me krenari!
Aty vrejta vetem kafshet qe nuk kishin ndryshuar!
Kafshet qe po e ruajshin identitetin me besnikri !
Dhash respekt per to dhe mbetem me nje shpres ...se?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Me shprese Ndoshta nje dite ... ?
1. https://sites.google.com/site/davidovcartist/
2. http://www.dutchmasterpainters.com/index.php/nl/galerij/category/16...
Shefqet Avdush Emini
Review from Patimat Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan
This review is translate with google
Is not the creator who is able to give life ....
Acrylic painting on cnvas
Size: 116 x 200
Year: 2013
Acrylic painting on cnvas
Size: 116 x 200
Year: 2013
Strolling through the expanses of the Internet, I came across a magnificent Dutch expressionist Shefqet Avdush Emini. Later, I was fortunate to get to know him and work for international ART-symposia.
Expression in color, line, and at the same time, a sense of proportion and harmony - it works like live his own life. They are not designed to ensure that like it or bribe, they are not cloying and not decorative, not cold and dead. It stops swaying life and fascinates the viewer. Bright, contrast, at first glance filled holiday, they both carry the drama.
Amazingly thin ratio of proportions, colors, tones indicate the presence of basic academic knowledge, which release the artist from the fear of doing something wrong. And it gives the artist the right to be fluent in line, that first catches the eye in its schedule.
This professional immediacy just felt in every movement of the hand, or rather, in each span baggy fleyts through which it enters into an implicit contract with the painting, in a hot working process and forget about the outside world. This is the time of the soul's ascent of the mind, breaking down the barriers of fear giving birth to the best results.
Looking at how the Shefqet Avdush Emini, it may seem that he just casually sprays paint on canvas, but then where do these whimsical abstract and, at the same time, it is figurative landscapes, which are read hot summer field cool water bays or just the state of nature, and subtle sensual images of women with bottomless deep eyes, radiating the whole fate. He portrays them as if he had lived a life with them. Women who portrays Shefqet Avdush Emini, always seductive and romantic.
Shefqet - King color palette it is independent from the experience of others, he is dictating its terms, taming the colors with each other, for example, he uses the royal blue on the cheek covered with a thin veil of pink blush, making face to glow from within and thus throwing a challenge to all academic canons . Complex tone, turning into an open net color. Heavy rough texture, flowing silk in soft covering, the former once, rough canvas soft gloss, etc. - So he breaks all the rules of representation, it is, it is free and it is his main horse!
His work is not so much intriguing topics as pulsating rhythms, a lot of energy, arousing an emotional response from the viewer. And because it stops people passing by, gathering crowd near him, organizing thereby unscheduled performance. Regardless of the format, the quality of the material of the outer atmosphere, it comes out the winner of this game, creating a new life on the canvas, missed through the filter of his own soul.
This artist can talk endlessly, but better than any words say it works. They can be seen on almost all the photographs of contemporary international accounting ART symposia. He conducts master classes in different countries, and artists from all over the world come to him to catch his life-affirming, bright and light-filled art. Generously sharing ability, he is not afraid of competition, leaving nothing for the soul as well as confidence in themselves and in their abilities, who gave him to his mother's milk.
Patimat Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan.
Acrylic painting on cnvas
Не тот ли творец, кто способен вдохнуть жизнь ….
Прогуливаясь по интернет просторам, я наткнулась на великолепного голландского экспрессиониста Shefqet Avdush Emini. Позже, мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним и работать на интернациональных ART-симпозиумах.
Экспрессия в цвете, в линии и, в тоже время, чувство меры и гармонии – его работы будто живут своею собственной жизнью. Они не рассчитаны на то, чтобы нравится или подкупать, они не приторны и не декоративны, не холодны и не мертвы. Именно колыхание жизни останавливает и завораживает зрителя. Яркие, контрастные, на первый взгляд наполненные праздником, они одновременно несут в себе драму.
Удивительно тонкие соотношения пропорций, цветов, тонов говорят о наличии фундаментальных академических знаний, которые высвобождают художника от боязни сделать что-то неправильно. И это дает право художнику владеть свободно линией, что первым бросается в глаза в его графике.
Эта профессиональная непосредственность так же чувствуется в каждом движении кисти, а точнее, в каждом размахе широченного флейца, через который он входит в негласный договор с живописью, в жарком рабочем процессе, забывая о внешнем мире. Таков момент восхождения души над разумом, ломая преграды страха рождающий лучшие плоды.
Глядя на то как работает Shefqet Avdush Emini, может показаться, что он просто разбрызгивает небрежно краску по холстам, но откуда тогда берутся эти причудливые абстрактные и, в тоже время, вполне фигуративные пейзажи, на которых считываются жаркие летние поля, прохладные водные заливы или просто состояния природы, и тонкие чувственные образы женщин с бездонно-глубокими глазами, излучающими целые судьбы. Он изображает их так, как будто бы прожил жизнь вместе с ними. Женщины, которых изображает Shefqet Avdush Emini, всегда обольстительны и романтичны.
Shefqet - король цвета, его палитра независима от чужого опыта, он диктует свои условия, усмиряя цвета между собой, так, например, он использует кобальтовый синий на щеке покрытой пеленой тонкого розового румянца, заставляя светиться лицо изнутри и тем самым кидая вызов всем академическим канонам. Сложные тона, переходящие в чистый открытый цвет. Тяжелые грубые фактуры, перетекающие в шелковую нежность, покрывая, бывший когда-то, шероховатый холст мягким глянцем и т.д. - таким образом, он ломает все представления о правилах, он вне, он свободен и это его главный конь!
ü Его работы интригуют не столько тематикой, сколько пульсирующими ритмами, огромным зарядом энергии, возбуждающим эмоциональный отклик у зрителя. И потому, он останавливает проходящих мимо людей, собирая толпы возле себя, организуя тем самым внеплановый перформанс. Независимо от формата, качества материала, внешней атмосферы, он выходит из этой игры победителем, создавая новую жизнь на холсте, пропущенную сквозь фильтры своей собственной души.
Об этом художнике можно говорить бесконечно, но лучше любого слова скажут его произведения. Их можно увидеть почти на всех отчетных фотографиях современных интернациональных АRT симпозиумов. Он проводит мастер-классы в разных странах, и художники со всего мира приезжают к нему, чтобы заразится его жизнеутверждающим, ярким и наполненным светом искусством. Щедро делясь умением, он не боится конкуренции, не оставляя ничего за душой, так как уверен в себе и в своих способностях, которые передались ему с молоком матери.
Обзор от Патимат Гусейнова Sharuhanova художника. Россия, Дагестан 21-3-2015
Solo Exhibition in Atrium Den Haag 2011
2. http://shefqetemini.webs.com/
3. http://shefqetavdushemini.blogspot.com/
Shefqet Avdush Emini, an internationally recognized artist. He is an academically educated artist who developed his own style. His own ‘signature’, which made him famous. The list of exhibitions of his artworks in museums and art galleries worldwide is long. Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, China, Austria, Nederland, Washington D.C.U,Switzerland,Germany, Italy, Grot Britannia, Spain, Portugal, France (Louver) Belgium, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Brazil, Washington, Kuwait, Slovakia,Poland, Oman, Russia, Palestina,Canada, Algeria, Azerbaijan, India . Besides, he is regular invited to join art symposia where local and international artist do come together to create art and get inspired. Shefqet is also connected to the Filarski Academy, a private Academy in The Netherlands founded by the artist Marian Filarski, as a teacher for master classes in painting.
Ina Eskes MA of Art history
Permanent collection of Museum in Guwahati, India 2016
Permanent collection of Municipality Museum in Beijing,China 2015
Permanent collection of Municipality Museum in Estrem,Portugal 2014
Permanent collection of Museum ” Alija Izetbegovic” 2013
Association of poets,writers and artists ” Pegasi” Albania 2013
Permanent collection of the Modern Art Museum,Kuwait 2012
Permanent collection of the Museum MAC Brazil 2011
Permanent collection of the Gallery Tetovo, Macedonia 2010
Permanent collection of the Gallery Aiud, Romania 2010
Permanent collection of the Museum Tepecik,Turkey 2010
Aperon Art Plus Gallery, Istanbul 2010
Gallery Tornby Denmark2010;
RKD as from2003;
Foundation Symbiose Sittard as from 2003;
Foundation art centre keeps out 2003;
Aida as from 1994
Stichting Kunstcentrum Weert as from 2003;
Permanent collection of the National Gallery of art in Tirana 1999
Artist figurative association of the Kosovo as from1989;
President of the foundation ‘Zef Kolombi ‘ Ferizaj Kosovo as from 1988-1992
Member of foundation art centre ‘ Zef Kolombi ‘ Ferizaj Kosovo as from 1982;
International Art Symposium in Istanbul 2017
International Art Symposium in Mersin 2017
International Art Symposium in Kusadasi 2017
International Art Symposium "Terchovska Paleta in Slovakia 2017
International Art Plener in Leczna, Poland 2017
International Art Symposium in Tarsus 2017
International Art Symposium in Kushadasi 2017
International art camp Didim, Turkey 2016
Symposium in Aydin, Turkey 2016
India Olympia Fine Arts Symposium 2016
Festival in Baku, Azerbaijan 2015
Symposium in Kapari Hotel, Alacati,Turkey 2015
Symposium in Setif, Algeria 2015
Symposium in Harram , Urfa,Turkey 2015
Symposium in Antalya, Turkey 2014
Symposium, Bolu,Turkey 2014
Symposium in Beshiktash ,Istanbul,Turkey 2014
Symposium in Özyeğin University,Istanbul,Turkey2014
Symposium in Estremoz,Portugal 2014
Symposium in Saguen,Quebec, Canada 2014
Symposium in Penza, Russia 2014
International Art Festival Gaza - Palestine 2014
Symposium in Istanbul,Turkey 2014
Artist in Residence,Cairo,Egypt 2014 Workshop for Youth Union workers – Ministry of Youth and sport Egypt 2014
(II) Workshop in Fresco Art Galery, Cairo, Egypt 2014
(I) Workshop in Fresco Art Galery, Cairo, Egypt 2014
Symposium in Sahl Hasheesh,Hurghada,Egypt 2014
Symposium in Sarajevo,Bosnia 2013
Symposium in Penza,Russia 2013
Constellation of international artists Prishtina,Kosovo 2013
Symposium Konya in Turkey 2013
Art colony in Prishtina,Kosovo 2013
Festival in Sharm El Sheikh 2012
Symposium in Birgi,Turkey 2012
Art colony in Izmir,Turkye 2012
Symposium in Mojmirovce,Slovakia 2012
Plejada e artisteve nderkombtar Prishtine,Kosovë 2012
Symposium in Konya,Turkey 2012
Workshop in Rembrandplein, Amsterdam1012
Symposium in Kuwait 2012
Festival – VI Sharm Em Sheikh,Egypte december 2011
Symposium in Antalya,Turkey 2 juni 2010
International Arts Festival Gesha View – Bulgaria mei 2011
Colony Tetov, Macedonia june 2010
Symposium Tepecik, Turkey june 2010
Symposium Auid, Romania august 2010
Workshop in Rembrandsplein, Amsterdam july 2010
Festival in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypte april 2010
2017.Exhibition in Paris epinay Municipality cultural center Paris
2017.Exhibition in Emin Serdar Art Galery,Trabzon
2017.Exhibition in EGE ünivercity Atatürk culture center, Izmir,
2017.Exhibition Beylikduzu Municipality,Beylicium,Shoppcenter,Istanbul,
2017.Exhibition in Sarayı Gallery, Mersin,
2017.Exhibition in Doku Art Gallery, Istanbul,Turkey
2017. Exhibition in Museum Povazske,Slovakija 2017
2017. Exhibition in Ibramaki art gallery in Kusadasy,Turkey
2017. Exhibition in Konak,Museum in Izmir,Turkey
2017. Exhibition in International Salon -organization organization
Al-Pyramids Hall of art - new pyramids, Egypt
2017. “Corvins’ Castle“ Museum, Hunedoara, Aiud, Romania
2017. Exhibition in the center of culture Leczna, Poland
2017. Exhibition in the Bal Art Gallery in Tarsus, Turkey
2017. Exhibition in the Carina Art Gallery in Kusadasi, Turkey
2017. Exhibition in the Yolo Art Gallery in Kusadasi, Turkey
2017.Exhibition in the Hamamizade ihsan by kultur Merkezi, Trabzon, Turkey
2017. Balkan Art Exhibition in Turkey
2016. Exhibition in the Adnan Menderes University, atatürk calprure senter, Didim,Turkey
2016.Exhibition in ATSO Kurumsal Bahçesi, Gallery, Antalya, Turkey
2016.Exhibition in open area Didim, Turkey
2016.Exhibition in National Library of Romania, Bucharest
2016.Exhibition in Center for Cultural Arts, Aydin, Turkey
2016.Exhibition in Museum Guwahati, India
2015.Exhibition in Museum in Beijing, China
2015.Exhibition in Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan
2015.Exhibition in Kapari Hotel, Alacati,Turkey
2015. Exhibition in Gallery, Setif, Algeria
2015. Exhibition in Harram Kumbert Hotel, Urfa,Turkey
2015"Inter-Art" International Exhibition Palace of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
2014.Exhibitions in Taza Biennial, Moroko 2014
2014. Exhibition in Erdem Bayazit Kultur Merkezi Antalya,Turkey
2014.Exhibition in Kultur Gallery Sitesi Salonu,Bolu Turkey
2014.Exhibition in Gallery Mustafa Kemal Merkez, Istanbul
2014.Exhibition in open environment Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
2014.Exhibition Art-Penza for the festival of contemporary art chernozem - Russia
2014.National History Museum of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca (NHMT) Romania
2014.Exhibition in Municipality Museum in Estrem,Portugal
2014.Exhibition in Centers of culture Saguen,Quebec, Canada
2014.Exhibition in Art Gallery Penza,Russia
2014.Exhibition in Gaza - Palestine
2014.Exhibition in Özyeğin University,Istanbul,Turkey
2014.Exhibition in The Tipsy Teapot, Cairo, Egypt
2014.International Exhibition, Gurin, France
2014.Exhibitions in Villa 43 Maadi Sarayat, Egypt
2014.Exhibition in Tutin Hom of culture Serbia
2014.Exhibition in Restaurant Guri,Cairo, Egypt
2014.Exhibition in Priboj Gallery spirale Serbia
2014.Exhibition in Renaissance Hotel, Cairo, Egypt
2014.Prijepole Home of culture Serbia
2014.Exhibition in Gallery Roman Petrovic , Sarajevo, Bosnia
2014.Exhibition in Plav Hom of culture Montenegro
2014.Exhibition in Sahl Hasheesh,Hurghada,Egypt
2014.Exhibition in Pirot Hom of culture Serbia
2013.Exhibition in Gallery Penza,Russia
2013.Exhibition National Museum of Unification,Alba lulia,Romaia
2013.Exhibition at the Royal Garden, Copenhagen, Denmark
2013.Exhibition International Biennial Festival of Portrait INTERBIFEP in Bosnia i Eercigovina
2013.ExhibitionTuch” within the XIIIth edition of the Inter-Art International Artcamp,at the Inter-Art Gallery,Romaia
2013.ExhibitionExhibition Hanikahu in Sarajevo,Bosnia
2013.Exhibition New York, USA – “Inter-Art”: 20th Anniversary edition of Mail Art
2013.Exhibition in Novi Pazar Gallery International Universyti ,Montenegro
2013.Exhibition in Gallery centre of Culture Leskovac, Serbia
2013.Exhibition in Homee of culture Vranije, Serbia
2013.Exhibition in Nis Gallery Serbia
2013.Exhibition Ostraka Gallery – Dandy Mega mall – Cairo,Egypte
2013.Exhibition in Centrul Cultural Liviu Rebreanu Aiud,Romania
2013.Exhibition in Kosove
2013.Exhibition in KTO Karatay University,Konya,Turkey
2013.Exhibition in JW Marriott Hotel Cairo
2013.Exhibition “Inter Art” International exhibitin,at the European Prlament,Brussesl,Belgium
2013.Exhibition Sanitätshaus Am Deister,Bennigsen,Germany
2013.ASROPA international art exhibition in Santarosa Gallery Gunsan Korea
2013.Exhibition NAR-I A?K Gallery – Konya,Turkey
2013.Exhibition in Galley Galéria Cit, Bratislava,Slovakia
2013.Exhibition in Sirius Hotel,Prishtina,Kosovo
2012.International Art & Design Exhibition”in Seoul Korea
2012.Exhibition in Sharm El Sheikh,Egypte
2012.Exhibition in Arts Galerie,Tirana
2012.Exhibition in Ödemi?,Turkkey
2012.Exhibition in Bostonli Galleryin 21 september in Izmir,Turkey
2012.Exhibition in Castel,Moimirovce,Slovakia
2012.Exhibition Hotel Prishtina,Kosovo
2012.Exhibition Hamam Prizeren,Kosovo
2012.Exhibition Ostraka Gallery – Dandy Mega mall – Cairo,Egypte
2012.Exhibition in museum Antalya,Turkey
2012.Exhibition at the cultural complex in Alhoceima,Morocco
2012.Exhibition in KTO Karatay University,Konya,Turkey
2012.Exhibition at the cultural Russian center Rabat ,Morocco
2012.Ekshibition in Kuwait
2012.Exhibition in Atelier Oosterbosch (Gallery) Amsterdam
2012.EPK, DLUM Galley, Slovenia
2011.Sharm El Sheikh,Egypte
2011.Inter-Art Exhibition in Washington D.C.U
2011.Solo exhibition: Atrium the Hague,Netherland
2011.International Gallery bienaal festival of portrait,drawings tuzla , Bosnia and Hercigovina.
2011.Show Your Hope,Lublana,Slovenia
2011.Mozes en aaronkerk te Amsterdam
2011.Solo exhibitions Gallery Diversity & Art,Amsterdam,Netherlands
2011.Museum Antalya,Turkey
2011.Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
2011.Exhibition Geshaview Bulgaria
2011.Exhibition art for heart,hannover,Germany
2011.Pallati i kulturës Tetovë,Macedonia
2010.Gallery Berat,Albania
2010.Aperon Art Plus Gallery,Istanbul
2010.Torbny Gallery,Denmark
2010.Art Fair Istanbul,
2010.Wall for peace – w -afpiaap – sanski/ Sarajevo / Bosnia – Hercegovina
2010.Drawings Biennale,Museum,Romania,
2010.Artist for freedom rathaus Bensberg, Bergisch-Gladbachþ,Germany
2010.Art Fair China, world trade center Beijing’s
2010.“Inter-art” foundation,Romania,Gallery
2010.Amsterdam Rembrandplei
2010. Culturel and artfestival, Tepecik, Turkey
2010.Koloni Tetov, Macedonie, Gallery
2010.Louver Paris,France
2010.Artist for freedom galileo-park in Lennestadt Germany
2010.Sharm Ell Sheikh,Egypt
2010.Museum of Portalegre,Portugal
2010.Mannheim,Galerie Bohner,Germany
2010.Vigo,club financiero de vigo, the architect palacios Gallery, Spain
2010.Biennale in London Gagliardi Gallery, a group exhibition of selected artist from the Biennale of Chianciano
2009. Exhibition National Museum Cotroceni Bucharest,Romania
2009.Exhibition circulating in few balkan countries Melenia art Gallery Bucharest,Romania
2009.Biennale of Chianciano,Italie-the art Museum of Chianciano Terme,Italy
2009.Jma Gallery Vienna, Austria
2008.Private Salon Weert, Netherlands
2008.Private Salon Kinrooi, Belgium
2008.Gallery Drente in hooghalen,Netherlands
2008.Gallery Sigvardson 08. maj Denmark
2008.Van Munster complex in Amersfoort The Netherlands group Gallery
2008.Gallery Sigvardson 02 februari Denmark
2007.Art process Trapani Sicilia Italy Gallery group
2006.Stichting Kunstcentrum Weert,The Netherlands group
2006.Paterskerk Weert,The Netherlands Gallery group
2006.Cigarenfabriek Delft , The Netherlands Gallery group
2006.Molenhof, The Netherlands group Gallery
2005.Paterskerk, The Netherlands group
2005.Molenhof, The Netherlands solo gallery
2005.Marziart Hamburg, Germany group Gallery
2005.Stichting Kunstcentrum Weert solo private
2005.Reasons to love the earth Utrecht group Museum
2005.Molenhof group Gallery
2004.Royal Schouwburg the Hague group or museum
2004.Vredenburg Utrecht group or Museum
2004.Arti et amicitiae Amsterdam group Museum
2004.Atelier route solo
2004.Kunstuitleen Tienschuur group Museum
2003.OBS ‘ graswinkel’ government
2003.Atelier route solo
2003.Kunstuitleen Tienschuur group Museum
2003.Fontys end courts solo government
2003.Public library Nederweert solo government
2002.St. Teunis Kapele vault keeps out solo government
2000.Town hall keep out solo government
2000.Old café keep out the currency private solo
1999.Molenhof keep out solo Gallery
1997.Wommat District Duurstede ate solo Gallery
1997.Rural church abc-old one group or Gallery
1997.Peace church Utrecht group or Gallery
1997.Buurthuis the toll Utrecht group government
1997.Church Utrecht group or Gallery
1996.FNV Utrecht solo government
1996.EKKO Utrecht solo government
1996.Reception centre Utrecht group government
1996.Wommat district Duurstede ate solo Gallery
1996.Peace church Utrecht solo Gallery
1996.Park eye in already Utrecht group government
1996.Triumfatokerk Utrecht solo Gallery
1995.Reception Centre Utrecht solo government
1993.Unaryd Gallery Sweden group
1993.Bank government Unaryd Sweden solo
1992.Home of culture Shtimje Kosovo solo
1991.Theatre fair Pristine Kosovo group
1990.XVII fair Gallery Pristine Kosovo group jumps
1990.Autumn 16de Biennale Pristine Kosovo group
1988.Home of culture Shtimje Kosovo solo
1987.VII Biennale Drawing Pristine Kosovo group
1985.Private Gallery Pristine Kosovo group
1984.Autumn Fair Gallery Pristine Kosovo group
1984.Fair Gallery Pristine Kosovo group
1983.Sarajevo Gallery ex – Jugoslavia group
1983.Zagreb Gallery ex – Yugoslavia group
1983.Belgrade Gallery ex – Yugoslavia group
1983.Private Gallery Ferizaj group
1982.Zef Kolombi Gallery Ferizaj Kosovo group
1981.Zef Kolombi Gallery Ferizaj Kosovo group
2014.Book: World Masters Taza Biennals
2014.TV programa- Penza, Russia
2014. Book: Anthology Of Poetry 2014
2014. Saguenay, Qubec, Canada, newspaper
2013.Book: from Banush Imeri Teacher who left traces in education 1955 – 2012 – know names in Shtime.
2013.Review: from Eriola Azizoli Expres
2012.Jury lied international exhibitions in Oman
2012 From: Erjola Azizlolli Expres, publicaition
2012 Book: Art of the world ” fromKaterina Theofili
2012 Faruk Tasholli Bota Sot newspaper
2011 Review from Ina Eskes MA of Art history
2011 Ese Kritike, Book: from Remzi Limani
2010 Egyptian art critic: Talaat Tbdul Aziz
2010 Interview: Michele Andree
2010 Review from Remzi Limani
2010 Interview: from Natasha Gunn
2009 Genius Book
2008 Tirsdag newspaper 29.januar
2006 June news the exactly Albart
2006 May newspaper Bota Sot diaspora
2006 May newspaper Zëri diaspora
2006 May newspaper Lajmi
2006 May newspaper Bota Sot diaspora
2006 May newspaper Bota Sot
2006 March newspaper Zëri diaspora
2006 February newspaper Bota Sot diaspora
2006 February newspaper Zëri diaspora
2006 January news the exactly Albart
2006 January 1. news the exactly Albart
2006 January 2.news the exactly Albart
2005 December newspaper Zëri diaspora
2005 Tineke Prins
December Book bald branch sing for green
2005 november newspaper sunday news
2005 October news the exactly Albart
2005 October newspaper Zëri diaspora
2005 October newspaper Bota Sot
2005 September newspaper Hamburg Abendblatt
2005 August newspaper Hoheluftbrucke
2005 August newspaper Hamburg live
2005 August newspaper Zëri diaspora
2005 August news the exactly Albart
2005 July newspaper Epoka e re
2005 July newspaper Land van Weert
2005 July newspaper the Trumpet
2003 July newspaper Koha Ditore
2003 July newspaper Fontys
2003 April newspaper the Trumpet
2003 May documentation and information of foundation centre
2003 March newspaper Fontys
2003 April Book Album Artium
2002 April newspaper country
1999 December newspaper daily the Limburger
1999 November Television TV keeps out interview
1997 Profession booklet cultural rondje
1996 Utrecht Television reportage
1996 February profession booklet cultural
1996 March Radio first left third right
1996 Newspaper Utrechts nieuwsblad
1995 March Television TV the Netherlands 2 reportage
1995 March Television TV the Netherlands 2 reportage
1994 Book Drite ne Lirikum
1990 Newspaper Rilindja
1987 June newspaper Rilindja
1983 Newspaper Rilindja
1983 Newspaper Zëri i Rinis
1982 October newspaper Rilindja
1982 Newspaper Zëri i Rinis
5 November 2021 toegevoegd op 15.24
14 Maart 2018 toegevoegd op 15.21
14 Maart 2018 toegevoegd op 15.18
19 Augustus 2017 toegevoegd op 23.05
30 November 2016 toegevoegd op 16.34
17 Januari 2011 toegevoegd op 1.43
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.38
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.32
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.28
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.23
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.21
28 Oktober 2009 toegevoegd op 15.17
Toegevoegd door Shefqet
Toegevoegd door Shefqet
Toegevoegd door Shefqet
Geplaatst op 25 Februari 2025 om 21.30
Shefqet Avdush Emini është një artist i njohur ndërkombëtarisht, i njohur për stilin e tij ekspresionist dhe spontan. Në këtë imazh nga Simpoziumi Ndërkombëtar i Artit në Konya, Turqi, ai shfaqet duke punuar me përkushtim dhe pasion, i ulur në dysheme mes ngjyrave dhe krijimeve të tij. Piktura pas tij, një…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 22 Februari 2025 om 2.00
Geplaatst op 21 Februari 2025 om 0.13
Nga Kosova në atdheun e Rembrandtit, e prej aty, në galeritë më me nam të botës Intervistë me piktorin Shefqet Avdush Emini Intervistën e bëri: Faruk Tasholli…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 11 Februari 2025 om 10.00
Geplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 11.31
Professional Analysis of Shefqet Avdush Emini's Painting
This painting, created by artist Shefqet Avdush Emini, is an excellent example of his expressionist oil technique, where the visual language is conveyed through powerful…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 11.03
Kjo pikturë e realizuar nga artisti Shefqet Avdush Emini është një shembull i shkëlqyer i teknikës së tij ekspresioniste në vaj, ku gjuha vizuale shprehet përmes gjesteve të fuqishme dhe një palete të pasur ngjyrash.
Figura e paraqitur, një portret anësor i një personi me një shami të kuqe në kokë, është realizuar me një ndërthurje të furçave të gjera dhe spatulave, duke krijuar një teksturë dinamike që sjell në jetë lëvizjen dhe…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 10.42
Geplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 10.25
Geplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 9.34
Shefqet Avdush Emini, bir dışavurumcu sanatçı olarak sanatını güçlü ve dinamik bir şekilde hayata geçirerek yaratıcı süreci gerçek bir sanatsal gösteriye dönüştürüyor. Bu performansında, cesur hareketler, serbest teknikler ve kendine özgü…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 8.53
Shefqet Avdush Emini, als een expressionistische kunstenaar, brengt zijn kunst op een krachtige en dynamische manier tot leven, waarbij het creatieve proces verandert in een waar artistiek spektakel. In deze performance…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 8.43
Shefqet Avdush Emini, si një artist ekspresionist, e sjell artin e tij në një formë të gjallë dhe të fuqishme, ku procesi krijues shndërrohet në një spektakël të vërtetë artistik. Në këtë performancë, ai demonstron një qasje eksplozive ndaj pikturës,…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 3 Februari 2025 om 8.22
Ketu jame une me te gjith juve.
Kjo ishte bota ime qe e perqafova me zemer te zjarrte.…
Geplaatst op 28 November 2024 om 13.00
Artist Shefqet Avdush Emini
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 24 November 2024 om 8.00
Geplaatst op 23 November 2024 om 0.00
Student i Akademis se Arteve…
DoorgaanGeplaatst op 22 November 2024 om 5.30
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